AiMalgam Core 1.1.0
API documentation for the generic Unity3D AI System
NikosAssets.AiMalgam.Settings.Runtime Namespace Reference


class  AiMalgamBaseRegisterSelf
 A helper class to register a type to an AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T> at runtime More...
class  AiMalgamBaseRuntimeCollection
 A helper class to wrap multiple AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T>s in a list and make them accessible in the AiMalgamNodeGraph. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector More...
class  AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet
 A specific AiMalgamBaseRuntimeCollection that stores generic items in Items More...
class  AiMalgamBaseVariable
 A wrapper class that represents a (singular) item in the AiMalgamNodeGraph. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector More...
class  AiMalgamBoolVariable
class  AiMalgamEntityRegisterSelf
 A specific AiMalgamBaseRegisterSelf<RuntimeSetType,SetType> class that registers an AiMalgamEntity to an AiMalgamEntityRuntimeSet More...
class  AiMalgamEntityRuntimeSet
 A specific AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T> that stores AiMalgamEntitys in the AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T>.Items list More...
class  AiMalgamFloatVariable
class  AiMalgamGOVariable
class  AiMalgamIntVariable
class  AiMalgamStringVariable
class  AiMalgamTransformRegisterSelf
 A specific AiMalgamBaseRegisterSelf<RuntimeSetType,SetType> class that registers a Transform to an AiMalgamTransformRuntimeSet More...
class  AiMalgamTransformRuntimeSet
 A specific AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T> that stores Transforms in the AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T>.Items list More...
interface  IAiMalgamRuntimeCollection
interface  IAiMalgamRuntimeVariable