AiMalgam Core 1.1.0
API documentation for the generic Unity3D AI System
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CAiMalgamBaseDescriptorAdds additional data to an AiMalgamEntity instance for custom mechanics, descriptions and custom AiMalgamBaseConditions
 CAiMalgamBaseDestinationContainerWithRuntimeSetA BaseDestinationContainerMono<ComponentType> wrapper to handle AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T>s and the Destinations within this class
 CAiMalgamConditionResultDescriptorStores one or multiple AiMalgamConditionResults, that can be read from the AiMalgamBaseDecisionSystem
 CAiMalgamEntityDestinationContainerA specific AiMalgamBaseDestinationContainerWithRuntimeSet<ComponentType,RuntimeSetType> for AiMalgamEntitys
 CAiMalgamKeyToEntityContainerA helper class that maps a string key to an AiMalgamEntityDestinationContainer
 CAiMalgamTransformDestinationContainerA specific AiMalgamBaseDestinationContainerWithRuntimeSet<ComponentType,RuntimeSetType> for Transforms
 CConditionResultToKeyMaps a string key to an AiMalgamConditionResult object while being serializable
 CIListWrapperHelper interface wrapper to deal with unknown list item types for port connections in the graph editor
 CListWrapperList helper for nodes that handle dynamic ports and connections
 CAiMalgamBaseLemmaA helper class that stores a Label which generates its respective LabelHash to compare other lemmas and their hierarchies. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector
 CAiMalgamBaseNotesScriptableObjectA helper (wrapper) AiMalgamNode that contains nameNote and descriptionNote for the developer. ACCESSIBLE ONLY IN THE EDITOR!
 CAiMalgamNodeA custom Node to be displayed in the AiMalgamNodeGraph used for several setting types to define your AI behavior. Inherit this for custom settings that need to be displayed in AiMalgamNodeGraph. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector
 CAiMalgamNodeGraphA custom NodeGraph to display any AiMalgamNode to configure AI behaviors in. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector
 CAiMalgamConstantsHelper class for NaughtyAttributes namings and to beautify and unify the inspector design consistently
 CAiMalgamEntityThe core and mandatory MonoBehaviour to represent an AI entity with its linked AI systems
 CIAiMalgamInherit from this to be visible in the AiMalgamNodeGraph asset creator panel