▼NNikosAssets | |
▼NAiMalgam | |
▼NAiEditor | |
►NControlPanel | |
CAiMalgamBasePanelDescription | |
CAiMalgamBasePanelListDrawer | |
CAiMalgamControlPanelStorage | |
CAiMalgamControlPanelWindow | |
CAiMalgamDeletePopup | |
CAiMalgamGraphPanelDescription | |
CAiMalgamGraphPanelListDrawer | |
CAiMalgamNodePanelDescription | |
CAiMalgamNodePanelListDrawer | |
CIAiMalgamPanelDescription | |
CAiMalgamCustomBaseNodeEditor | |
CAiMalgamEditorModProcessor | |
CAiMalgamGEditorSettingType | |
CAiMalgamNodeGraphEditor | |
CAiMalgamPropertiesContainer | |
▼NDescriptions | |
CAiMalgamBaseDescriptor | Adds additional data to an AiMalgamEntity instance for custom mechanics, descriptions and custom AiMalgamBaseConditions |
CAiMalgamBaseDestinationContainerWithRuntimeSet | A BaseDestinationContainerMono<ComponentType> wrapper to handle AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T>s and the Destinations within this class |
CAiMalgamConditionResultDescriptor | Stores one or multiple AiMalgamConditionResults, that can be read from the AiMalgamBaseDecisionSystem |
CAiMalgamEntityDestinationContainer | A specific AiMalgamBaseDestinationContainerWithRuntimeSet<ComponentType,RuntimeSetType> for AiMalgamEntitys |
CAiMalgamKeyToEntityContainer | A helper class that maps a string key to an AiMalgamEntityDestinationContainer |
CAiMalgamTransformDestinationContainer | A specific AiMalgamBaseDestinationContainerWithRuntimeSet<ComponentType,RuntimeSetType> for Transforms |
CConditionResultToKey | Maps a string key to an AiMalgamConditionResult object while being serializable |
CIAiMalgamDescriptor | |
▼NHelpers | |
►NAttributes | |
CReordableNodeListAttribute | Mark a ListWrapper<T> to use ports in the graph editor |
CIListWrapper | Helper interface wrapper to deal with unknown list item types for port connections in the graph editor |
CListWrapper | List helper for nodes that handle dynamic ports and connections |
▼NSettings | |
►NActions | |
CAiMalgamApplyActionSettingResult | A specific AiMalgamBaseResult that contains information about the success of the applied AiMalgamBaseSettings |
CAiMalgamBaseSettings | The base setting represents the configuration for an AiMalgamBaseAction<BlackboardType> and must be further specified via inheritance. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector |
CAiMalgamBaseSettingsForEngine | To be able to inject the AiMalgamBaseSettings into the correct AiMalgamBaseEngineWrapper we need to specify the correct AiMalgamBaseAction<BlackboardType> as well. This can be achieved by inheriting this wrapper/ helper class. |
CAiMalgamBaseSettingsListWrapper | A specific ListWrapper<T> for AiMalgamBaseSettingss to display ports in the AiMalgamNodeGraph for each ListWrapper<T>.list item |
CIAiMalgamActionSetting | |
►NComparers | |
CAiMalgamBaseComparison | A helper AiMalgamNode used to compare AiMalgamEntitys against each other for targeting and sorting purposes Inherit this and add custom implementations! Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector |
CAiMalgamBaseComparisonForDescriptors | A helper AiMalgamBaseComparison class that provides a mechanic to map an AiMalgamBaseDescriptor to it for descriptor base comparisons |
CIAiMalgamComparison | |
►NConditions | |
CAiMalgamANDConditionsContainer | A specific AiMalgamBaseCondition that can reference multiple conditions, which all have to succeed in order for this condition to succeed |
CAiMalgamANDConditionsResult | A specific AiMalgamConditionResult used in the AiMalgamANDConditionsContainer validation |
CAiMalgamBaseCondition | A condition wrapper class to validate AiMalgamEntitys for AI decision making and action execution. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector |
CAiMalgamBaseConditionForDescriptors | |
CAiMalgamConditionInverter | A specific AiMalgamBaseCondition that inverts another AiMalgamBaseCondition |
CAiMalgamConditionResult | A specific AiMalgamBaseResult used in AiMalgamBaseConditions |
CAiMalgamConditionResultReader | A specific AiMalgamBaseConditionForDescriptors<DescriptorType> to read the AiMalgamConditionResult from the AiMalgamConditionResultDescriptor |
CAiMalgamConditionsListWrapper | A specific ListWrapper<T> for AiMalgamBaseConditions to display ports in the AiMalgamNodeGraph for each ListWrapper<T>.list item |
CAiMalgamLayerCondition | A specific AiMalgamBaseCondition to check LayerMasks against the AiMalgamEntity |
CAiMalgamNameCondition | A specific AiMalgamBaseCondition to check if the nameToCompare matches the AiMalgamEntity.name of the AiMalgamEntity |
CAiMalgamORConditionsContainer | A specific AiMalgamBaseCondition that succeeds if any AiMalgamBaseCondition found in the Conditions list succeeds |
CAiMalgamRandomCondition | A specific AiMalgamBaseCondition that validates or invalidates at random with the chance field |
CAiMalgamStateCondition | A specific AiMalgamBaseCondition that checks if the AiMalgamEntity does (not) contain any of the AiMalgamStates listed in stateListWrapper of this class |
CAiMalgamTagCondition | A specific AiMalgamBaseCondition to check if the tagToCompare matches the AiMalgamEntity.tag of the AiMalgamEntity |
CIAiMalgamCondition | |
►NDeciders | |
CAiMalgamApplyDeciderResult | A specific AiMalgamBaseResult used in AiMalgamDeciderWrappers |
CAiMalgamBaseDecider | A specific AiMalgamDeciderWrapper that can represent either a leaf-branch or decider branch |
CAiMalgamDeciderListWrapper | A specific ListWrapper<T> for AiMalgamDeciderWrappers to display ports in the AiMalgamNodeGraph for each ListWrapper<T>.list item |
CAiMalgamDeciderScoreSorter | A helper class to compare AiMalgamDeciderWrappers against each other with AiMalgamConditionResult.scores calculated by their respective AiMalgamDeciderWrapper.condition fields |
CAiMalgamDeciderWrapper | A wrapper class with helper methods and fields that implements the IAiMalgamDecider interface. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector |
CAiMalgamDecision | A wrapper class storing the resulting IAiMalgamDeciders as branch (leaf) results (deciderResults), as well as the next desired AiMalgamAsyncActionQueueHandlers (asyncSettingsQueueHandlers) |
CAiMalgamMultipleDecider | A specific AiMalgamBaseDecider to apply multiple children. Has the option (applySettingsSequentialAsync) to apply multiple AiMalgamBaseSettings sequentially in an async manner, via the AiMalgamAsyncSettingsQueueHandler |
CAiMalgamRandomDecider | A specific AiMalgamBaseDecider to apply random children |
CAiMalgamScoreDecider | A specific AiMalgamBaseDecider to apply children based on their AiMalgamConditionResult.score While this is a branch (AiMalgamBaseDecider.IsLeaf == false), the score is calculated and read from the AiMalgamBaseDecider.AiMalgamBaseDecider.condition field. Otherwise (AiMalgamBaseDecider.IsLeaf == true) the score is calculated and read from the AiMalgamBaseSettings.AiMalgamBaseSettings.conditionToEnter field |
CAiMalgamSettingsScoreSorter | A helper class to compare AiMalgamBaseSettings against each other with AiMalgamConditionResult.scores calculated by their respective AiMalgamBaseSettings.conditionToEnter fields |
CAiMalgamSingleDecider | A specific AiMalgamBaseDecider to apply the first found valid child |
CAiMalgamSubGraphDecider | A specific AiMalgamBaseDecider that traverses through the AiMalgamNodeGraph.rootDecider of another AiMalgamNodeGraph |
CIAiMalgamDecider | |
►NRuntime | |
CAiMalgamBaseRegisterSelf | A helper class to register a type to an AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T> at runtime |
CAiMalgamBaseRuntimeCollection | A helper class to wrap multiple AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T>s in a list and make them accessible in the AiMalgamNodeGraph. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector |
CAiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet | A specific AiMalgamBaseRuntimeCollection that stores generic items in Items |
CAiMalgamBaseVariable | A wrapper class that represents a (singular) item in the AiMalgamNodeGraph. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector |
CAiMalgamBoolVariable | |
CAiMalgamEntityRegisterSelf | A specific AiMalgamBaseRegisterSelf<RuntimeSetType,SetType> class that registers an AiMalgamEntity to an AiMalgamEntityRuntimeSet |
CAiMalgamEntityRuntimeSet | A specific AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T> that stores AiMalgamEntitys in the AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T>.Items list |
CAiMalgamFloatVariable | |
CAiMalgamGOVariable | |
CAiMalgamIntVariable | |
CAiMalgamStringVariable | |
CAiMalgamTransformRegisterSelf | A specific AiMalgamBaseRegisterSelf<RuntimeSetType,SetType> class that registers a Transform to an AiMalgamTransformRuntimeSet |
CAiMalgamTransformRuntimeSet | A specific AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T> that stores Transforms in the AiMalgamBaseRuntimeSet<T>.Items list |
CIAiMalgamRuntimeCollection | |
CIAiMalgamRuntimeVariable | |
►NStates | |
CAiMalgamState | A specific AiMalgamBaseLemma to represent a state node in the AiMalgamNodeGraph |
CAiMalgamStatesListWrapper | A specific ListWrapper<T> used to store multiple AiMalgamStates and display them in the AiMalgamNodeGraph (with ports) |
CIAiMalgamState | |
CAiMalgamBaseLemma | A helper class that stores a Label which generates its respective LabelHash to compare other lemmas and their hierarchies. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector |
CAiMalgamBaseNotesScriptableObject | A helper (wrapper) AiMalgamNode that contains nameNote and descriptionNote for the developer. ACCESSIBLE ONLY IN THE EDITOR! |
CAiMalgamBaseResult | |
CAiMalgamNode | A custom Node to be displayed in the AiMalgamNodeGraph used for several setting types to define your AI behavior. Inherit this for custom settings that need to be displayed in AiMalgamNodeGraph. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector |
CAiMalgamNodeGraph | A custom NodeGraph to display any AiMalgamNode to configure AI behaviors in. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector |
▼NSystems | |
►NActions | |
CAiMalgamActionHelper | A helper class for IAiMalgamBaseActionWrappers handling their lifecycle in the respective NikosAssets.AiMalgam.Systems.Engines.AiMalgamBaseEngineWrapper |
CAiMalgamBaseAction | The base action you want to inherit from to create your own AI logic |
CIAiMalgamBaseActionWrapper | A wrapper interface for AiMalgamBaseAction<BlackboardType>s to be stored in a list without defining its generic class params |
CIAiMalgamBlackboard | Gets injected into the AiMalgamBaseEngineWrapper for its hosted (and running) IAiMalgamBaseActionWrappers |
►NDecisions | |
CAiMalgamAsyncActionQueueHandler | A helper class to execute AiMalgamBaseAction<BlackboardType>s one after another (on disposed - sequentially) |
CAiMalgamBaseDecisionSystem | Handles AiMalgamDeciderWrappers to make an AiMalgamDecision for an AiMalgamEntity |
CAiMalgamDecisionSystemNoLoop | A specific AiMalgamBaseDecisionSystem that never calls AiMalgamBaseDecisionSystem.Tick on its own |
CAiMalgamDecisionSystemUpdate | A specific AiMalgamBaseDecisionSystem that calls AiMalgamBaseDecisionSystem.Tick every frame |
COnDecisionMadeUnityEvent | |
►NEngines | |
CAiMalgamBaseEngineWrapper | A wrapper class for custom Engines to host, maintain and execute IAiMalgamBaseActionWrappers the same way a Scheduler would. Is visible and assignable in the Unity inspector |
CAiMalgamEntityBaseEngine | The base AiMalgamBaseEngineWrapper with core implementations to handle its IAiMalgamBaseActionWrappers |
CAiMalgamConstants | Helper class for NaughtyAttributes namings and to beautify and unify the inspector design consistently |
CAiMalgamEntity | The core and mandatory MonoBehaviour to represent an AI entity with its linked AI systems |
CIAiMalgam | Inherit from this to be visible in the AiMalgamNodeGraph asset creator panel |
COnStateChangedUnityEvent | |